Speech Language Pathologist


Salary Range
$54,000 – $72,000

Recommended High School Courses
Senior 4
One 40S level Science
+ Prerequisites for entry into
chosen undergraduate degree program

When most people think about Speech Language Pathologists (S-LPs) they probably think of someone who helps people who stutter or have a lisp. While it’s true that they do help with those issues, their scope of practice is a whole lot broader.

Speech-language pathologists are highly-educated professionals who have a minimum of a master’s degree in their field. As in any health-care related profession, S-LPs are required to study anatomy and physiology, but they also study neuroanatomy, genetics, human and language development, linguistics, psychology, acoustics and more, which is why they are qualified to evaluate, diagnose (restricted in some provinces/territories) and treat a broad range of delays and disorders.

Speech Language Pathologist can help with the following:

  • Speech delays and disorders including articulation, phonology and motor speech disorders.
  • Language delays and disorders, including expression and comprehension in oral and non-verbal contexts
  • Fluency disorders, including stuttering.
  • Voice and resonance disorders.
  • Swallowing and feeding disorders in adults and, children and infants.
  • Cognitive-communicative disorders including social communication skills, reasoning, problem solving and executive functions.
  • Pre-literacy and literacy skills including phonological awareness, decoding, reading comprehension and writing.
  • Communication and swallowing disorders related to other issues. For example, hearing impairments, traumatic brain injury, dementia, developmental, intellectual or genetic disorders and neurological impairments.


When most people think about audiologists, they probably think of someone who tests hearing and fits hearing aids. While it’s true that they can help with those issues, their expertise and the services they provide are a whole lot broader.

Audiologists are highly-educated professionals who must have a minimum of a master’s degree in their field to practice in Canada, which is why they are qualified to assess, diagnose (restricted in some provinces/territories) and treat a broad range of hearing and balance disorders.

Audiologists can help with:

  • Hearing disorders in infants, children and adults.
  • Amplification such as hearing aids and other assistive listening devices.
  • Auditory processing disorders: issues with how the brain processes sound.
  • Tinnitus: noise or ringing in the ears.
  • Hyperacusis and Misophonia: sensitivities to particular sounds.
  • Balance disorders including dizziness or vertigo caused by Ménières disease, ear infections and trauma to the skull.

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