[…] INFORMATION ONLY – APPLICANT TO DETACH AND RETAIN FOR REFERENCE Nurses Recruitment and Retention Fund Conditional Grant for Manitoba’s Nursing Graduates This program was established to encourage new graduates to relocate to rural communities in Manitoba, subsequently reducing the number of rural nursing vacancies. FAQ Who can apply for the Conditional Grant and what […]

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[…] 2/3 of health care professionals across Canada. Therefore, nurses play integral roles in promoting and maintaining a system of health, which addresses the needs of populations, ensures high quality care, and fosters the support and confidence of the public. A shortage of qualified nurses has been well substantiated. Subsequently, employers have had increasing difficulty […]

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[…] of health care professionals across Canada. Therefore, nurses play integral roles in promoting and maintaining a system of health care which addresses the needs of populations, ensures high quality care, and fosters the support and confidence of the public. A shortage of qualified nurses has been well substantiated. Across the country employers have had […]

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[…] 2/3 of health care professionals across Canada. Therefore, nurses play integral roles in promoting and maintaining a system of health, which addresses the needs of populations, ensures high quality care, and fosters the support and confidence of the public. A shortage of qualified nurses has been well substantiated. Subsequently, employers have had increasing difficulty […]

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[…] advance of the anticipated commencement of the recruitment process . You will receive written confirmation when and if the G FT position is approved at which time you can commence recruitment. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact M arie Butler. Director Medical Staff Administrative Services & Recruitment at mbutler@ wrha.mb.ca .

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[…] coverage will apply. ADDRESS CHANGE NAME CHANGE Postal Code TELEPHONE NUMBER CHANGE Replace existing #, or Add # Phone # (home) Alternate Phone # EMERGENCY CONTACT CHANGE New Emergency Contact Name Telephone Number NOTE: Please provide one telephone number only – the number where this individual can be reached during your working hours. New […]

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[…] 3.0 Purpose • To encourage Manitoba students who are enrolled in medicine, nursing, or allied health post -secondary educational programs to take summer positions in areas of high recruitment need. • To provide Manitoba health care employers with a platform to engage Manitoba students who are enrolled i n medicine, nursing, or allied health […]

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[…] advance of the anticipated commencement of the recruitment process . You will receive written confirmation when and if the G FT position is approved at which time you can commence recruitment. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact M arie Butler. Director Medical Staff Administrative Services & Recruitment at mbutler@ wrha.mb.ca .

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1 APPENDIX “A” – Employers within the Employers Organizati ons Employers Organization Interlake Eastern Health Region Employers Organization Employers Interlake -Eastern Regional Health Authority (direct operations) Betel Home Foundation * Employers Organization Northern Health Region Employers Organization Employers Northern Regional Health Authority (direct operations) Employers Organization Prairie Mountain Health Region Employers Organization Employers Prairie […]

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[…] EQ UIRED: S ECTION 1 : F UNDING REQUIREMENTS Are the re existing f unds available to support the PA /CA ?  Yes  No Is new funding required to support the PA /CA ?  Yes  No S ECTION 2 : A VERAGE P ATIENT C ENSUS ( YEARLY ) Is […]

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