International Medical Graduates

Are you an International Medical Graduate (IMG) seeking information on practicing in Manitoba?

As an IMG, some additional training or an assessment may be required in order to practice medicine in Manitoba. There are four pathways to licensure for IMGs.

Three of the pathways are with the University of Manitoba Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine International Medical Graduate Program, and one is with the Canadian Residency Match Service (CaRMS).

Note: Application to any of these four pathways does not guarantee acceptance into these programs. The number of positions allocated for training and assessment are limited and extremely competitive.

IMG Licensure Four Pathways

  1. Medical Licensure Program for IMGs (MLPIMG)
    A one-year training program for general practitioners preparing them to practice in rural and under serviced areas of Manitoba. This program accepts a maximum of 30 IMGs per year.

  2. Practice Ready Assessment – Family Practice (PRA-Family Practice)
    A four-month assessment for general practitioners who are considered practice-ready allowing them to practice in rural and under serviced areas of Manitoba.

  3. Practice Ready Assessment – Specialty Practice (PRA-Specialty Practice)
    An assessment designed to assist internationally trained specialists who can practice independently and do not need further residency training to integrate into the Manitoba health care system. The length of the assessment is dependent on the specialty. Enrollment in the program requires an approved sponsor and a job offer in a specialty deemed to be a high need in the province of Manitoba.

  4. Canadian Residency Match Service (CaRMS)
    A service matching physicians, residents and students for entry into postgraduate medical training throughout Canada.

Canadians Studying Abroad (CSA)

Did you know that CSAs are also International Medical Graduates (IMGs)? The term IMG does not refer to citizenship or place of birth; it is only an educational reference.

CSAs are spread across the globe and what the majority have in common is their desire to return home to Canada for residency training or to practice medicine.

If you are a Canadian student who is planning to complete medical school outside of Canada, it is important to research, prepare and plan for your return to Canada prior to your departure. You are encouraged to review your plan frequently over the course of your studies as your interests and the eligibility requirements in Canada may change.