Labour Relations

Shared Health’s Provincial Health Labour Relations Services (PHLRS) is the employers’ association representative at central bargaining tables for 36 collective agreements across six employer organizations (Interlake-Eastern, Northern, Prairie Mountain, Shared Health, Southern Health-Santé Sud, and Winnipeg-Churchill) spanning more than 56,000 workers in nursing, community support, facility support, medical residents/interns, physician/clinical assistants, and the professional/technical/paramedical sectors.

New, fair, and long-term collective agreements are now in place across all health sectors, and include significant retroactive pay, compounding general wage increases in every year, as well as extensive other monetary gains and non-monetary improvements to support retention, advancement, education, staff wellness and recruitment.

View the collective agreements below. As agreements are finalized, this page will be updated.

PHLRS employs an experienced team of labour relations professionals who conduct collective agreement negotiations for all sectors and with health sector bargaining unions/associations. The team also provides a variety of labour relations support and services to Manitoba health sector employers organizations, including the interpretation of collective agreements and employment-related legislation, and supports resolution of grievances and other disputes within the health sector.