Uncertified Health Care Aide Bridging Program

Are you currently working as an Uncertified Health Care Aide in Manitoba?
Do you want to increase your employment opportunities and salary?
Consider becoming certified as a Health Care Aide.

In just 24 weeks of part-time study, you can expand your skills and increase your earning potential while continuing to provide essential support and care for Manitobans. Courses allow flexibility for you to work while you train. Time spent in the training program will be unpaid.

Funding is available for eligible uncertified health care aides to complete an approved bridging program.

How to Apply

Applications to the Uncertified Healthcare Aide Bridging Program will be processed through the Service Delivery Organization (SDO) in which you are employed.

Health AuthorityContact InformationApplication Form
Shared Health / WRHA[email protected]Apply Here
Interlake-Eastern RHA[email protected]Apply Here
Prairie Mountain Health[email protected]Apply Here
Southern Health – Sante Sud[email protected]Apply Here
Northern Health Region[email protected]Apply Here

Frequently Asked Questions

What training is being provided?

Bridging Programs are available for uncertified health care aides (UHCAs) who meet the eligibility criteria. Training is offered on a part-time basis through a combination of online learning, in-person skills labs, and a clinical practicum. A portion of the learning is through self-study with access to a qualified instructor.

Training programs will be provided at various educational institutions throughout the year. If you do not meet the eligibility criteria now – you can take the training once you have met the eligibility criteria.

Personal Care Home Eligibility Criteria

  • Minimum 18 years of age.
  • Grade 12 OR Grade 10 if you are a mature student (19 years of age or older and out of high school for a minimum of one year).
  • English language competency requirements Level 6 IELTS (International English Language Testing System) or Level 7 CLB (Canadian Language Benchmark).
  • Successful completion of:
    • 7-day Health Care Support Worker micro-credential from Assiniboine Community College, Red River College Polytechnic, or University College of the North; or
    • A Health Service Delivery Organization approved course that meets the minimum requirements of the 7-day micro-credential as determined by the Service Delivery Organization.
  • Worked as an uncertified Health Care Aide (UHCA) for a minimum of 300 hours paid work experience in the past 12 months.
  • You need to currently hold a permanent HCA Trainee (UHCA) position of 0.4 EFT or higher in a Personal Care Home or Home Care to be eligible for the training.
  • If you are currently in a casual UHCA position or a position that is less than 0.4 EFT, you will need to obtain a permanent position of 0.4 EFT or higher in a Personal Care Home or Home Care in order to be eligible for the training.

Home Care Eligibility Criteria

  • Minimum 18 years of age.
  • Grade 12 OR Grade 10 if you are a mature student (19 years of age or older and out of high school for a minimum of one year).
  • English language competency requirements Level 6 IELTS (International English Language Testing System) or Level 7 CLB (Canadian Language Benchmark).
  • Successful completion of:
    • 7-day Health Care Support Worker micro-credential from Assiniboine Community College, Red River College Polytechnic, or University College of the North; or
    • A Health Service Delivery Organization approved course that meets the minimum requirements of the 7-day micro-credential as determined by the Service Delivery Organization.
    • The paid 4-week Home Care Training Program.
  • Worked as an uncertified Health Care Aide (UHCA) for a minimum of 300 hours paid work experience in the past 12 months.
  • You need to currently hold a permanent HCA Trainee (UHCA) position of 0.4 EFT or higher in a Personal Care Home or Home Care to be eligible for the training.
  • If you are currently in a casual UHCA position or a position that is less than 0.4 EFT, you will need to obtain a permanent position of 0.4 EFT or higher in a Personal Care Home or Home Care in order to be eligible for the training.

Are there flexible training options that will allow me to both train and work?

Yes. Much of the training is available online. Some programs may have requirements to attend on-line classes at a certain time, and skills labs and the clinical practicum will need to be done in person. Your employer will provide you with the required time off to attend skills labs and the clinical practicum.

What is the time commitment involved in the training?

Approved Bridging Programs will have the following minimal requirements:

  • 192 hours of virtual learning and in-person skills labs (16 hours per week for 12 weeks combined virtual learning and skills labs).
    • Combination of virtual learning and in-person skills lab.
    • Access to an instructor 7 days per week.
      • Instructor availability hours must be provided to all students at the start of the term.
      • Students must expect to receive a response from the instructor within one business day.
  • 24 hours of in-person unpaid skills labs.
    • 3 skills labs (one full day every second week) held at the educational institution.
  • 96 hours of self-study (approximately 8 hours per week for 3 months with access to an instructor 7 days per week)
  • 80 hour (2-week) clinical practicum

Is there are a cost to the training?

Funding is available for eligible uncertified health care aides to complete an approved bridging program. You may be eligible for the full tuition costs if:

  • You enroll in an approved program; and
  • You meet the criteria for financial assistance established by Workforce Training and Employment (WTE), a division of Manitoba Economic Development, Investment and Trade (EDIT).

You will be responsible for incidental costs, including but not limited to: books and supplies that are not included in the cost of tuition, living expenses, child care, and transportation.

Will I have a job after competing this training?

Yes, your HCA Trainee (UHCA position) converts to an HCA position upon successful completion of the Bridging Program.

You will be asked to complete a return of service commitment equivalent to annual full-time hours of employment (2015 hours for most employers).

Will I be able to work anywhere?

You will complete your return of service commitment within the Personal Care Home or Home Care sector in Manitoba. Upon completion of the return of service commitment, you will be able to work as a health care aide in a location including, but not limited to, a Personal Care Home or Home Care.

What Programs can I sign up for?

You will only be eligible to obtain financial assistance for those training programs that have been approved. Please see names of educational institutions offering approved programs and links to their website below:

Name of Educational Institution Providing Approved HCA Bridging ProgramPhone
Assiniboine Community College Challenge Program204-725-8700
Herzing Career College204-775-8175
Louis Riel Vocational College HCA Bridging Program204-984-9480
Robertson College HCA Bridging Program1-866-773-0363
St. James-Assiniboia HCA Bridging Program204-888-7951

What do I need to do?

Please read through this information carefully.

You will be asked to provide information that will be reviewed to determine if you meet the eligibility criteria. You will be contacted for any additional information that may be required.

If you have previously received financial assistance for a different program, you may not be eligible for financial assistance.

You must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

Please ensure that you are ready to commit to this opportunity including the time required to successfully complete the training.

Will this training opportunity provide me with the same credentials as students taking the full HCA program?

Yes. The difference is that with this training opportunity, you may be eligible for tuition assistance. You will also have the opportunity to work while attending training. In return, you are asked to complete a return of service commitment in a Personal Care Home or Home Care upon successful completion of the training.

What happens if I do not finish the training?

For Personal Care Homes, you will have the option of securing a casual position for which you have the required qualifications or you may choose to resign.

For Home Care, you will continue in the permanent position to which you have been hired, but will continue to be paid at the UHCA rate of pay.



  • Currently an UHCA with a minimum of 300 paid hours in the past year.
  • Completed an approved 7-day Health Care Support Worker micro-credential course or equivalent.
  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
  • 18 years or older; Grade 12 (or mature student Grade 10).
  • English speaking (Level 6 IELTS or Level 7 CLB).
  • For Home Care, you are also required to take the paid four week Home Care Training Program.

Enrolment & Hiring

  • Complete the UHCA Bridging Program application form.
  • Meet with the employer’s representative to determine eligibility, financial supports available, approved Bridging Programs and the hiring process.
  • To be eligible, you need to:
    • Currently hold a permanent HCA Trainee (UHCA) position of 0.4 EFT or higher in a Personal Care Home or Home Care; or
    • Obtain an HCA Trainee (UHCA) position of 0.4 EFT or higher.
  • Apply to an approved Bridging Program.
  • Receive your confirmation of enrolment / letter of acceptance to the Bridging Program and provide to the employer’s representative.


  • 192 hours of virtual learning and in-person skills labs (16 hours per week for 12 weeks).
  • 24 hours of in-person skills lab (one full day/every second week).
  • 96 hours of self- study (approx 8 hours/week for 3 months).
  • 80 hours (2 weeks) clinical practicum.
  • Training must be completed within 12 months.


  • Upon receipt of enrollment in approved Bridging Program, you will receive a letter of support.
  • You will need to contact Workforce Training and Employment with proof of registration from the educational institution and your letter of support no later than three weeks before the program starts.
  • Funding is available for eligible uncertified health care aides to complete an approved bridging program.
  • You are responsible for incidental costs including but not limited to: books and supplies that are not included in the cost of tuition, living expenses, child care, and transportation.
  • Send to:  [email protected] and you will be contacted about funding.


  • Attend the Bridging Program on a part-time basis, and work as a UHCA in the position you have been hired to.
  • Receive pay at the UHCA rate of pay for hours worked as an HCA Trainee (UHCA) in the position you have been hired at while in the training program.
  • Upon successful completion of training program, the HCA Trainee (UHCA) position you have been hired to converts to an HCA position at the HCA rate of pay.