Midwives Testimonials

Interested in becoming a Midwife? Information on how to become a midwife can be found by contacting the Canadian Midwifery Regulators Council, or by visiting the following:

Whether relocating to Manitoba or deciding to practice in their home province, we’re fortunate to have many great midwives and diverse opportunities for them to practice here!

Check out the personal testimonials of midwives that have shared their positive experiences while practicing in Manitoba.

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Want to Submit a Testimonial?

Would you like to provide a testimonial about your time in Manitoba, while practicing medicine? We are always looking for new and exciting stories to share with our viewers. If you are interested in sharing your story, please fill out our Testimonial Submission form.

Answer a few questions, provide a small bio and click Submit! We will be in contact with you in regards to posting your story for others to see.