graphic representation of a dollar sign


$60,517 – $123,469

graphic representation of an id badge



Role in Manitoba’s Health System

Nurses collaborate with members of the health care team to provide care to individuals, groups, and communities in a variety of practice areas. Nurses work within a broad scope of practice, which includes health promotion, and illness prevention, direct patient care and rehabilitation.

There are three regulated nursing professions in Manitoba – registered nurses (which also includes nurse practitioners), registered psychiatric nurses, and licensed practical nurses.

Career opportunities exist across Manitoba in rural, northern and urban settings. Visit the current opportunities page to view job postings or fill out this form to connect with a recruiter.

To learn more about becoming a nurse, visit the prospective students page.

Licensing and Professional Resources

Regulatory Bodies

Anyone who wants to work as a nurse in Manitoba – whether internationally educated or a graduate of a Canadian program – must register with their profession’s regulatory body.

College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba

The College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba (CRNM) is the regulatory body for registered nurses (which includes nurse practitioners) in Manitoba.

College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba

The College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba (CLPNM) is the regulatory body for licensed practical nurses in Manitoba.

College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Manitoba

The College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Manitoba (CRPNM) is the regulatory body for registered psychiatric nurses in Manitoba.

Association of Regulated Nurses of Manitoba

The Association of Regulated Nurses of Manitoba is the professional association representing nurses in Manitoba. ARNM offers supports and resources to nurses and advocates for the advancement of the profession. 

Manitoba Nurses Union

The Manitoba Nurses Union (MNU) represents the majority of unionized nurses in Manitoba.