Physician & Clinical Assistants

Physician Assistants / Clinical Assistants (PA / Cl.A.s) are healthcare providers who practice medicine under physician supervision. These medical practitioners are physician extenders and not independent practitioners; they work with a degree of autonomy, formalized in a Practice Description. The supervisory relationship between physicians and PA / ClAs, as outlined in the Contract of Supervision is the principle on which the profession is founded. PA / Cl.A.s in Manitoba are are Regulated Health Professionals licensed by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba. (CPSM). Please check CPSM website for further information.

Physician Assistants and Clinical Assistants improve access to healthcare services, assist in waiting time reduction, provide both acute and chronic disease management and enhance the collaborative practice model with other healthcare professionals.

For further questions regarding PA’s in Manitoba contact the PA / CIA Program.