“My dad’s job moved us around a lot when I was growing up. Before we came to Manitoba we lived in four different provinces. Even since moving here I lived in communities in Manitoba’s north before settling in Winnipeg.

There’s lots of things that I love about the other places I’ve lived. I still have friends and family I love to visit but I really like my life and work here in Manitoba.

It’s random things that keep me here. The cost of living is incredible especially compared to somewhere like B.C. And it’s so easy to get around and explore. You can literally drive for an hour in any direction and find something fun to do outside.

I’ve been surprised by how many events and festivals there are to experience and by how good the food scene is here, with lots of unique independent restaurants to try.

Winnipeg is a little big city. Nothing is too far, so you have basically everything you need at your fingertips. And somehow, we all seem to know someone in common. It’s a bizarre, but pretty regular, occurrence in Manitoba, and I love that.”