Doctor – Family Practice


Salary Range
$107,000 – $400,000

Recommended High School Courses
Senior 4
Chemistry 40S
Physics 40S
Math 40S
English 40S or French 40S
Biology 40S is required

Diagnose, treat, and help prevent diseases and injuries that commonly occur in the general population. Doctors work in medical clinics, hospitals, government or private practice. Irregular hours and may be self-employed.

Training & Education Routes
Doctor of Medicine M.D. (First degree, plus 4 years, plus 2-8 years in a residency program depending on specialty).
The Professional Health Program through ACCESS is a two to four year program preparing Aboriginal students for entrance into medical and dental schools or other health-related faculties.

Brandon University, Canadian Mennonite University, University of Manitoba, Continuing Education Division, and the University of Winnipeg offer pre-professional programs in Medicine.

Physicians Apply outline the steps required, in order to become a physician and practice in Canada.

Links to Sites

University of Manitoba
Faculty Of Medicine | Doctor Of Medicine

Minimum Time to Graduation:

Seven to eight years (University 1, plus 2 or three years
to complete first degree, plus four years in the College
of Medicine).

Requirements for Admission:

This document provides admissions information for applicants to the undergraduate MD program of the College of Medicine of the University of Manitoba.
Selection of students is the responsibility of the Admissions Committee which is a standing committee of the College of Medicine.
Admission to the College of Medicine is the result of a competitive selection process. The responsibility of the Admissions Committee is to select those applicants who are best qualified to make a contribution to the public and the profession.

All applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada at the time of application.
  • Bachelor’s degree completed
  • Medical College Admission Test (MCAT®)
  • Adjusted Grade Point Average (AGPA) of 3.30 or higher.
  • Minimum of 6 credit hours (full year or two academic terms) completed in Biochemistry at the university degree level with minimum grade of C in each course
  • Credit hours completed in the humanities/social sciences.
  • The College of Medicine has identified the requisite skills and abilities for admission, promotion and graduation in the MD program.
  • All applicants whose primary language is not English or whose previous education has been conducted in another language must demonstrate proficiency in the English language
  • All applicants must complete a self-declaration regarding criminal records, pending criminal charges and registration on the child abuse registry as an offender; this self-declaration must be done at the time of application.
  • All medical students must be eligible for, and become registered with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba (CPSM) by the time of registration.

Click on this Details on Admissions link for more information regarding admission requirements.

Are you a high school student and seriously considering medicine as a career? If yes, see this information on Careers in Medicine.