Health Information Management Professional


Salary Range
$42,000 – $53,000

Recommended High School Courses
Computer Science
40S Math
40S Biology
40S Chemistry

File clerks, also called information clerks or records management clerks, examine incoming material and code it numerically, alphabetically, or by subject matter. They then store forms, letters, receipts, or reports in paper form or enter necessary information into other storage devices.

Some clerks operate mechanized files that rotate to bring the needed records to them; others convert documents to films that are then stored on microforms, such as microfilm or microfiche.

Health Information Management Professionals maintain systems for collection, storage, retrieval and retention of health information. They collect data utilizing ICD-10-CA/CCI classification system and report the data to Manitoba Health and Canadian Institute of Health Information for the purpose of funding, research and to assist with health care decisions.

Health Information Management Professionals perform some or all of the following duties:

  • classify, code, cross-reference and store records
  • maintain indexes for classification systems
  • prepare medical, social and administrative statistics
  • operate information retrieval systems and respond to requests for health records information
  • review files periodically to ensure they are complete and correctly classified
  • label files according to retention and disposal schedules and prepare files for disposal
  • maintain access lists for security classified records
  • compile statistics and reports on activities within records services
  • apply knowledge of medical terminology, physiology and treatment

File Clerks perform some or all of the following duties:

  • sort material that is to be filed according to particular filing systems
  • file material in drawers, cabinets and storage boxes
  • locate and remove materials from files when requested
  • keep records of materials filed and removed

A successful career usually requires:

  • Strong interest in the health care field
  • Interest and aptitude in computers
  • Ability to work under minimum supervision
  • Attention to detail
  • Capability of meeting deadlines
  • Good communication skills
  • Good organization skills

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Education & Training In Manitoba

Completion of a college or other program in health records management AND Certification by the Canadian Health Record Association.

Records clerks may require completion of a college or other program in records management and usually require experience as a file clerk.

Assiniboine Community College, l’École technique et professionnelle, Red River College and the University College of the North offer diploma and certificate programs in business/office administration. The following Private Vocational Institutions in Manitoba offer programs in this field: Academy of Learning (Brandon, Dauphin, South, Winnipeg, Swan River), Anokiiwin Training Institute, CDI College, Herzing College, Patal Vocational Preparatory Schools, Winnipeg Technical College, Yellowquill College.

Some high schools in Manitoba offer programming in Business Education.

Robertson College

Medical Administrative Assistant:

Full-time students take 10 months to complete this program. Half-time students may complete the program in two school years. The primary start date for this program is in September with the program concluding the following June.

The Medical Administrative Assistant Program:

Provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to collect and process patient information, operate general and specialized office and patient registration equipment, use clinical software and develop interpersonal skills. It also introduces students to both theory and practice in computer and administrative skills.

Red River College

Health Information Management:

This is a two-year diploma program with a September entry date in alternate years. This program is recognized by the Canadian Health Information Management Association.

The Health Information Management Program:
Will develop the skills and knowledge to effectively manage the health information required for patient care, administration, research and education. The program is designed to train students for the specialized techniques required in health information management and offers a unique combination of medical, computer, and business courses.

Emphasis during the program will be on health information science, medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, medical coding, computerization, and statistical analysis.