Massage Therapist


Salary Range
$48,000 – $68,000

Recommended High School Courses
Biology or Anatomy
highly recommended

General Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are typically over 18 & may require a high school diploma.
  • Mature student status (19 years or older) with life experience demonstrating responsibility, may also be considered.

What we do

  • Assess clients by conducting range of motion and muscle tests and propose treatment plans
  • Explain procedures, risks and benefits to clients
  • Administer massage techniques, treating soft tissues and joints of the body through soft tissue manipulation, relaxation techniques, hydrotherapy, trigger point therapy, joint pain and lower grade mobilizations, remedial exercise programs and client self-help programs
  • Suggest home care instructions and provide information about techniques for further postural improvement and stretching, strengthening, relaxation and rehabilitative exercises
  • Maintain records of treatments given

Massage therapists practice in a variety of settings and locations and in a variety of contractual arrangements. Some examples of locations in which massage therapists practice are:

  • massage office
  • office in home
  • physicians’ offices and clinics
  • franchises
  • hospitals and wellness centers
  • nursing homes/hospices
  • chiropractic offices
  • cruise ships
  • spas and resorts
  • salons
  • onsite (chair massage in offices, airports and at public events, for example)
  • health clubs and fitness centers
  • sports teams and events (amateur and professional) hotels

Links to Sites

Training & Education Routes

As a health care profession, massage therapy is based upon the health sciences.
Graduates from a massage therapy diploma program complete studies in: human anatomy and physiology, musculoskeletal anatomy, kinesiology, pathology, general nutrition, therapeutic exercise, hydrotherapy and thermal therapies, massage theory and techniques, clinical assessment and treatment planning, treatment of various conditions, ethics, research literacy, and business and practice management.

Recognized massage therapy diploma programs in Manitoba offer two-year programs with at least 2200 hours of instruction. Curriculums are based on National Competencies established by the profession in 2012. Completion of this training ensures the public and other healthcare professionals of the practice standards of a graduate massage therapist.

Secondary education pre-requisites are required for entry to the study of massage therapy. Applicants to massage therapy schools are typically required to hold a Manitoba High School diploma, or equivalent.

Secondary or post-secondary studies in the sciences (e.g., biology, kinesiology, anatomy, physiology) are helpful but typically not mandatory pre-requisites to studying massage therapy. Studies in other related areas such as physical education, communication, business, research, and psychology are also helpful for those wanting to become massage therapists.

Schools Of Massage Therapy

Manitoba has four schools of Massage Therapy that are registered with the Province of Manitoba – Advanced Education & Literacy that currently provide two year programs of study. These schools are privately owned institutions that are licensed by the Province of Manitoba to provide Massage Therapy education.

Individuals interested in the studying for the profession of Massage Therapy are encouraged to contact the schools directly concerning their entrance requirements and courses of study. The registered schools for Massage Therapy instruction in Manitoba are: