

Salary Range
$89,000 – $100,000

Recommended High School Courses
Chemistry 40S
Biology 40S
Mathematics 40S (Pre-Calculus)
A minimum of 60%

Canada has approximately 39,000 licensed pharmacists. Of those, 27,500 work in 9600 community pharmacies and 6500 work in hospitals. Almost 5000 pharmacists work in other settings such as the pharmaceutical industry, governments, associations, colleges and universities. Today’s pharmacists are highly respected as the medication management experts of the health care team.

They collaborate with patients, their families and other health care providers to benefit the health of Canadians. The pharmacist’s traditional role is expanding, and Pharmacists across Canada deliver a range of innovative services, including medication reviews, chronic disease management, immunization services and wellness programs.

Most provincial governments have approved pharmacist prescribing with varying scopes of authority, a service that complements the care provided by a doctor and can result in more convenient refills, less time spent dealing with prescription changes and collaborative medication management.

A career in pharmacy can include many different work venues mostly in the community but also in hospital, pharmaceutical industry, health science research, government, and educational environments. Wherever a pharmacist works, he or she requires a profound knowledge concerning all aspects of medications and also excellent interpersonal skills. A pharmacist is always an important member of the health care delivery team in Canada.

Over the past few years, we have provided information about our program to interested high school students during both the Information Days and Evening of Excellence events sponsored by the University of Manitoba. The Information Days are held in February of each year for the Senior 3 and 4 high school students of Manitoba who have the opportunity to visit the university and to receive information about all undergraduate programs at the University of Manitoba.

Links to Sites

University of Manitoba

Faculty of Pharmacy

Our college is one of the top-ranked pharmacy programs in Canada. The program is located on the Bannatyne campus, which means you’ll work and study alongside Medicine, Rehabilitation Sciences and Dentistry students. This close collaboration results in exciting research opportunities and a better understanding of how various health-care professions work together to promote and improve the health of individuals and communities.

With the constant development of new drug therapies, pharmacists are on the cutting-edge of research and health care delivery. You will have access to the latest in technology and facilities to help you prepare for this exciting career, the Undergraduate Pharmacy Program at the Univesity of Manitoba provides details on the curriculum.

Electives must include a 3 credit hour course which will meet the University’s Written English (W) requirement. 0930 level courses are NOT acceptable as electives or as satisfying the “W” requirement.

Students Must:

  • Complete the required courses as listed above (core courses and electives) with no grade less than a “C”;
  • Complete at least one regular session (September-April) containing a minimum of 24 credit hours of university level degree-credit courses, with no grade less than a “C”;
  • Achieve an AGPA of 3.50 or higher;
  • Score a “15” or higher in the written critical skills essay.


All Eligible Applicants are ranked for selection using an overall score according to the following criteria:

  • Adjusted Grade Point Average (AGPA) 70%
  • A written Critical Skills Essay 30%