Social Worker


Salary Range
$50,000 – $71,000

Recommended High School Courses
Senior 4 courses for entry
into University
Global Issues

Social work is a profession dedicated to helping individuals, families, groups and communities enhance their individual and collective well-being. The Social Work Profession Act defines the practice of social work as including the following objectives:

  • To accomplish the core functions of social work including: Helping people obtain services relating to the basic human needs Counselling of individuals, families and groups, and Helping communities and groups provide or improve social and health services
  • To assess, remediate and prevent social problems encountered by individuals, families and communities
  • To enhance individual, family and community social functioning.

In Manitoba, only members of the Manitoba College of Social Workers are authorized to use the title Social Worker or represent themselves as Social Workers, expressly or by implication.

Where Do Social Workers Work?
Social workers work in a variety of settings: family services agencies, children’s aid agencies, general and psychiatric hospitals, school boards, correctional institutions, welfare administration agencies, federal and provincial departments. An increasing number of social workers work in private practice.

Why Social Work?
Social Work is an excellent field of study for individuals looking to enhance the lives and well-being of others.

Whether you have a passion for working with exploited children or are interested in working in health care, there are endless opportunities available to our graduates across Canada, giving students the flexibility in choosing the right career path for them.

At the Faculty of Social Work, students receive real-life experience through field placement. Our Field Education Program places students in various community agencies across the province.

A Nationally Recognized Degree
Our Bachelor of Social Work program is the only accredited program in Manitoba. This means our B.S.W program is recognized across Canada making it easier for students to take their education beyond Manitoba.

Our B.S.W program is offered part-time, full-time, through Distance & Online Education and through our Inner City and Northern ACCESS program.

Social Worker Responsibilities

  • Provide counsel and therapy to assist clients in developing skills to deal with and resolve their social and personal problems
  • Plan programs of assistance for clients including referral to agencies that provide financial assistance, legal aid, housing, medical treatment and other services
  • Investigate cases of child abuse or neglect and take authorized protective action when necessary
  • Serve as members on interdisciplinary teams of professionals working with client groups
  • Develop or advise on social policy legislation, conduct social research and assist in community development
  • Interview clients individually, in families, or in groups, to assess their situation and problems and determine the types of services required
  • Act as advocates for client groups in the community, lobby for solutions to problems directly affecting client groups and develop prevention and intervention programs to meet community needs
  • Provide mediation services and psychosocial assessments
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of counselling and social programs
  • May provide public education and consultation to professionals or groups regarding counselling services, issues and methods

Training & Education Routes

  • The University of Manitoba, Faculty of Social Work, offers the following degree programs: Bachelor of Social Work
    (4 years: University 1 plus 3 years Social Work)
  • Red River College offers graduates of the Child and Youth program interested in furthering their education, they may be able to transfer credits to the University of Manitoba. Information regarding transfer of credits should be directed to the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Manitoba.
  • Assiniboine Community College offers 2 year Social Services Worker diploma. ACC is proud to partner with other post-secondary institutions to create further opportunities for our graduates. Graduates of this two-year Social Service Worker diploma may pathway into Social Work degree programs at the University level.

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