
Applying to Manitoba for Postgraduate Training

Did you know that Canadians Studying Abroad (CSAs) are considered International Medical Graduates (IMGs) when applying for residency training in Canada?

Were you aware that in the past few years there has been a dramatic increase in the number of IMGs applying for residency positions within Canada?

Why is this?

Well, it may be attributed to the increased number of CSAs studying medicine at international medical schools.

As a result it has become highly competitive for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) to obtain residency training positions.

It is important to research and prepare your return to Canada prior to your departure and develop a plan for your return. Review your plan frequently because your interests and the physician needs within Canada may change from the time you start medical school and the time you graduate.

The following steps will assist you when applying for postgraduate training in Manitoba:

Step 1: Create an account with

All IMGs applying for postgraduate training in Canada must have their credentials validated and must successfully complete Medical Council of Canada Examinations. Requests for source verification and applying for Medical council of Canada examinations must be made through a account.

Additional services available through include:

  • viewing and sharing examination results
  • educational credential assessment
  • request a translation
  • application for medical registration

Step 2: Take the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) Examinations

Medical students must write the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE Part I) and the National Assessment Collaboration (NAC) as a prerequisite to apply to CaRMS. You can apply up to 15 months before your expected graduation date. Take time to review the MCC application and eligibility to familiarize yourself with exams and when you should take them.

Step 3: Apply to Canadian Residency Match Service (CaRMS)

CaRMS facilitates the process for medical graduates to arrange their residency placement in Canadian postgraduate programs. It is the main gateway towards residency training and provides an orderly and transparent process for applicants to decide where to train in Canada and for programs to indicate which applicants they wish to enrol in medical residency training.

The CaRMS match is run in two iterations. To be eligible for participation in the first iteration, you must:

  • obtain a medical degree by July 1 of the match year;
  • Be a graduate from a medical school listed with the World Directory of Medical Schools (World Directory) published by the Foundation for the Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) and the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME).
  • Be a citizen or permanent resident of Canada (notarized proof required)
  • Obtain a pass mark on the Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Exam (MCCEE) and the National Assessment Collaboration (NAC)

Manitoba provincial requirements also include English language proficiency based on IELTS with an overall score of 7 with no individual score less than 7. IELTS will be considered valid for two years from the date taken.

For detailed information click here.