Health Care Students
Are you a student that is currently enrolled in a health care or medical training program?
Learn more about opportunities available for work placement in your field of training, facility tours in your area, financial assistance and connecting with a recruiter.
Grants, Loans and Incentives
There are many types of loans and grants available for post-secondary students available from both the Federal and Provincial governments.
Federal Grants & Loans
The Government of Canada offers student grants and loans to full-time and part-time students. Grants and loans help students pay for their post-secondary education. For more information, visit the Government of Canada’s Student Grants and Loans website.
Manitoba Student Aid
The Government of Manitoba’s student aid program provides loans, grants and bursaries to Manitobans who need help paying for school. If you do get a student loan, you don’t have to make payments or pay interest on it while you are a full-time student.
For more information, visit the Manitoba Student Aid website.
Financial Incentives
There are a number of financial incentives available to health care workers as they graduate from their health care program and transition into the work force.
Specific benefits and incentives vary by profession, work location and shift worked. Visit Recruitment – Health Human Resources Action Plan to learn more. Manitoba health-care workers are benefitting from new, long-term collective agreements, with competitive compensation, special incentives and many monetary and non-monetary benefits. Visit Incentives – Health Careers Manitoba to learn more.
Are you a nursing student that is graduating from your training program in the coming months? Financial assistance and incentives are available to support recruitment and retention of eligible RNs, RPNs, and LPNs. More information about eligibility requirements and the application process is available at Manitoba Nurses Recruitment and Retention Fund.
Work Experience
Discover the health career, facility and health region that is right for you by exploring opportunities available for work experience in your field of training and repatriation programs for Manitobans studying away from home.
Discover Health Careers Manitoba Program
Discover the health career that’s right for you by joining the seasonal work experience program connecting health care students with positions in their current field of study, in their local Service Delivery Organization (SDO).
Discover Health Careers Manitoba (formerly Home for the Summer) positions offer students hands-on experience in hospital environments and direct patient interactions applicable to their training. Examples of placements include, but are not limited to:
Health Care Student | Work Placement Opportunity |
Pharmacy Student | Pharmacy Technician |
Nursing Student | Work with Public Health and Community Nurses (ex. Post-partum visits, school-based immunization clinics) |
Medical Student | Direct Care Program Worker |
Medical Rehabilitation Student | Rehabilitation Assistant/Summer Student |
Diagnostics | Medical Laboratory Assistant |
How it works
The duration of the position will be vary depending on the type of position. For medical students positions will be up to a max of 6 weeks, and for nursing and allied health up to a max of 10 weeks. Your wage will reflect your level of education ($16 – 25/hour). Space is limited, and not all that apply may be accepted into the program.
Interested students may apply by completing and submitting the following forms.
It will be the responsibility of the SDO to fulfill all duties as employer. Therefore, the specific SDO makes all hiring decisions and is the active supervisor.
For more information or to submit completed forms, please email [email protected]
Become a Discover Health Careers Manitoba host
Are you or your team interested in hosting a student for the summer who is studying in your field of health care?
Apply for a summer student position as part of Manitoba’s Discover Health Careers program by completing the below form and providing a summary of the duties that the student position would perform and the value this position will add to your team/organization. The Health Care Retention and Recruitment Office pays 60 per cent of medical students’ salary and 50 per cent of nursing and allied health professional students’ salaries when hired by an SDO under this program.
Rural Week for Medical Students
Rural Week is a one week learning experience for all first year medical students enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Manitoba. Rural Week provides an opportunity for the students to get first-hand experience and exposure to not just rural and northern medicine but rural and northern life. It is an opportunity for participating communities to showcase themselves and promote the opportunities and benefits of rural and northern medicine.
In its first year (2003), Rural Week was an optional experience and was selected by 70% of the class. In 2004, Rural Week was approved as a component of the Med 1 curriculum and the entire class spent one week in communities in rural and northern Manitoba. The experience was planned to provide all first year medical students with a rural based clinical and community experience. Students spend the week gaining exposure to the work and lifestyle of the rural physician, and experience some aspects of rural life.
It takes the efforts of numerous preceptors, health care professionals and countless community volunteers to provide students with rural medicine and community experiences. Students are also given the opportunity to visit local high schools to provide information and encourage students to consider careers in medicine in general, and rural medicine in particular.
Overall, evaluations by students, as well as those of preceptors and communities were overwhelmingly positive. The students felt the experience was conductive to learning, provided good clinical exposure and informed them about the varied scope of rural and remote/northern medicine.
Rural Week is coordinated by the Department of Family Medicine, Max Rady College of Medicine in conjunction with the Health Care Retention and Recruitment Office.
Below we have provided information that will be valuable for you to review prior to going to your assigned Rural Week Community. Contact your visit coordinator if you require additional information.
If you experience any difficulty with the information below please contact Ashley Shaw ([email protected]) as soon as possible.
Rural Week Students
Detail | Location | Date |
Attend: Rural Week Introduction Meeting I | Theatre B | January 24, 2025 @ 2:00 p.m. |
Registration Process | | Deadline: January 31, 2025 |
Download & Review Student Guide | View the student guide here | Ongoing reference to print and bring with you |
Review Rural Week Community/Student Assignments | Will be Emailed | April 2025 |
Meet with other students going to community and discuss transportation issues | ||
Contact Visit Coordinator | Immediately upon receipt of assignment. Will be updated as we confirm sites. | |
Attend Rural Week Information Meeting II | Apotex 050 | April 29, 2025 12:00 p.m. |
Provide UGME with driver details | Undergraduate Medical Education Office, Stephanie Morin- [email protected] | |
Arrival | Rural Week (May 26-30): Arrive Sunday, May 25 Rural Week (June 2-6): Arrive Sunday, June 1 If going to a fly in community, you will be given a flight itinerary | |
Attend Rural Week | Assigned Community | May 26-30 or June 2-6 |
Preceptor Evaluation of Student | See Appendix 2. Prior to departure arrange to have the preceptor complete and discuss the Preceptor Evaluation of Student form with you. Hand in at wind-up or have the preceptor complete the survey below: Preceptor Evaluation of Student | |
FINAL STUDENT SURVEY | Student Evaluation of Rural Week – Link will be emailed to students | |
Departure | Friday May 30, 2025 |
Rural Week is compulsory for all first-year University of Manitoba – Faculty of Medicine Students.
The information you provide will be forwarded to both the preceptor and the Visit Coordinator of the community to which you are assigned.
In order to properly organize student travel to/from communities it is very important for us know if you will have access to a vehicle and will be willing to transport other members of your assigned group. For communities within driving distance, the planning committee will assure at least one individual has access to a car for transportation. Pre-authorized drivers will be reimbursed a set mileage rate based on the return distance from Winnipeg to your community.
Community Placements
You will randomly be placed with at least 1-6 other students to travel to an assigned community in rural or northern Manitoba. Group size is determined by size of community and availability of preceptors.
Each community in Manitoba is unique. You may experience hosts from a variety of cultural & ethnic backgrounds. Some people you will come into contact with may not be familiar with cultural or ethnic backgrounds other their own. Be aware that some communities may have limited or no access to internet.
Community profiles consist of contact information and provide a brief overview of local demographics, interesting features, and employment sources. Feel free to request additional information from your Visit Coordinator.
The student is expected to spend the majority of time with his/her family medicine preceptor(s). The student will go with the preceptor on morning rounds, attend at the office, and be on call with the preceptor. The student should have the opportunity to do histories and physical examinations, under the supervision of the family physician. Student clinical experience will be at the discretion of the family medicine preceptor. Throughout the week student may spend time with more than one preceptor. Preceptor Evaluation of Student Required
Visit Coordinator
The Visit Coordinator plays an important role in educating the student about the community, lifestyle, and various aspects of rural life in general. The Visit Coordinator will provide accommodation details, assist with schedules & help arrange extra curricular activities. During Rural Week the Visit Coordinator is the “go-to” person in the assigned community.
ONE person from the group must initiate communication with the visit coordinator. Student will contact the Visit Coordinator to discuss general expectations & special requirements for stay within the assigned community as well as set a time and place for the group to meet upon arrival in the community. Check with the Visit Coordinator regarding the hours and availability of restaurants, grocery stores, convenience stores, and gas stations in your community. Accommodation details (see below).
In early May, Rural Week Information Meeting II will take place. During this meeting students will receive information regarding preceptor, accommodations, and community placement. Kathy Risk will arrange travel to northern & remote communities. Travel itineraries will be provided to those students.
Accommodations (maximum 5 nights per individual student) will be provided at no cost to the student.
The type of accommodation will vary depending on location and availability; local arrangements are made by the visit coordinator. Students may be billeted in a home, placed in a bed and breakfast, or in a local motel.
Rural Week organizers, Visit Coordinators & Preceptors are expecting you to stay in the assigned community for the entire week. No commuting is permitted.
It is the students’ responsibility to discuss with the Visit Coordinator the necessary items to be brought into the community. Some communities may require students to bring with them bedding and/or food items.
It is the students’ responsibility to discuss meals with the Visit Coordinator or Preceptor As well as, what, if any food items are to be brought into the (remote) community.
Be aware that hours of operation of stores and gas stations vary from community to community. Accessibility to restaurants is varied throughout the province and may be limited. Some remote regions require students to supply their own food.
Special Needs
Identify special needs (allergies, religious or meal preferences) during the online registration process. If for any reason your circumstances change notify the Health Care Retention and Recruitment Office immediately by contacting:
Ashley Shaw: [email protected]
Travel – Vehicle – Transportation
On Sunday, May 25, 2025, or Sunday, June 1, 2025, you will travel to your assigned community; plan your arrival time for early evening. You will start your community and clinical experience the following morning. If you are flying, your travel itinerary will determine arrival time.
Upon arrival you will meet your Visit Coordinator at a predetermined time/location. The Visit Coordinator will orient you to the community and show you where you will stay. At this time you should receive your schedule for the week.
Each group of students is responsible to organize travel within their assigned group.
Mileage for ONLY ONE (1) vehicle per community will be authorized for reimbursement, other than preauthorized communities.
The pre-authorized driver will receive the vehicle travel allowance based on the university mileage chart.
Departure Date is Friday, May 30 or Friday, June 6.
Personal Items – What to Bring
Bring your white coat and any diagnostic equipment you may have purchased over the first year. (i.e. stethoscope)
Bring appropriate seasonal clothing and outerwear as you may be doing some outdoor activities.
Food: Students will be reimbursed thirty dollars ($30.00) per day as a living allowance. Upon receipt of completed Student Evaluation of Rural Week form Undergraduate Medical Education will issue travel & meal allowance as outlined above. No further action is required.
Transportation: One pre-authorized driver will receive the vehicle travel allowance based on the university mileage chart. Unless otherwise pre-approved.
Daily Schedule
The following activities may be worked into the daily schedule: Clinic duty, Emergency room duty, High school visit, Visit health care team member(s) as available, Operating Room/ ER (if applicable), Visit Personal Care home, & extra curricular events (see below).
We encourage preceptors to provide students with hands on experience. Some students’ experiences will be more observational, according to the preceptors’ teaching style and experience. The most common issue for students is the level of hands on responsibility they are given. This will depend of your level of confidence and the rapport that you build with your preceptor over the week. Students are encouraged to have an open, professional discussion with preceptors if they feel the level of responsibility is inappropriate.
Community Events & Extra Curricular Activities
The organization of extra-curricular activities is primarily the responsibility of the Visit Coordinator however, each community is unique and this assigned task may fall into the hands of others. We do our best to encourage a variety of experiences. However, the community may be limited by time, money and talent.
In the past students have experienced community tours, farm tours (including pig barns), and factory tours, golf excursions, fishing trips, and sporting events. Finally, community BBQ’s have been very popular.
High School Session Resources
While in the host community, students may be asked to do a short career presentation at the local high school. Check if the Visit Coordinator has made prior arrangements with the school. Confirm the date & place. Please note that student populations vary from community to community, as does their exposure to a resource such as an experienced medical student. The ultimate goal is to provide students with positive reinforcements that will encourage them to set and achieve their career goals. Feel free to have fun with this.
Several formats have been used quite successfully. Rural Week students have presented to large audiences seeking general health career information and some have experienced informal one-on-one situations with students specifically interested in medicine.
Evaluation – Recording Your Experience
Before you arrive in the community, familiarize yourself with the Student Evaluation of Rural Week Summary located in your Student Guide. The information provided is offered to you in a thought provoking format; the actual online evaluation will take only a few minutes to complete. Keep in mind that the evaluation is a journaling experience; it is not a comparison to the experience of others. We value all comments.
Prior to your departure request that the Preceptor complete the Preceptor Evaluation of Student Form before you leave the community. Take time to review with preceptor.
Prior to your departure and before you arrive at the wind-up;
Complete the Students Evaluation of Rural Week ONLINE.
Rural Week Student Evaluation (REQUIRED)
Bring your camera and use it during the week.
Email photos ASAP to Ashley Shaw: [email protected]
In the event of an emergency (family emergency, illness, transportation trouble, etc) at any time during the preparation of and participation in Rural Week students must immediately contact Ashley Shaw and the Visit Coordinator in the community.
Ashley Shaw
[email protected]
204-648-6763 (after the hours of 8:30 – 4:30 Monday to Friday)
Questions & Concerns
Please discuss any concerns you have with Rural Week Personnel or your Visit Coordinator. You will find that everyone is genuinely happy to welcome you to their community.
Manitoba Wants You Back Program
Are you a student completing a health care or medical training program outside of Manitoba?
Opportunities are available for summer employment, clinical practicum placement, career guidance and more. If you are a Nursing, Diagnostic Service, Speech Language Pathology or Audiology student originally from, or with a connection to Manitoba, or completing your education outside of Manitoba and would like to explore what a future in Manitoba can provide, please complete and submit one of the forms below.
Candidates accepted for summer positions or senior practicum placements may be eligible for travel, accommodations, and living allowance support.
*Please indicate your desired program in the email subject line.