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$67,689 – $84,918

Role in Manitoba’s Health System

Medical radiation technologists (MRTs) work in a variety of disciplines across our health-care system.

MRTs assist clinicians in diagnosing and treating medical conditions by using electromagnetic and nuclear medicine technologies to produce images of body parts and systems. Depending on their qualifications, MRTs can work as radiological technologists, magnetic resonance technologists, or nuclear medicine technologists.

MRTs also work in the discipline of radiation therapy and provide treatment to people living with cancer.

Career opportunities exist across Manitoba in rural, northern and urban settings. Visit the current opportunities page to view job postings or fill out this form to connect with a recruiter.

To learn more about becoming a medical radiation technologist, visit the prospective students page.

Continuing Education and Growth Opportunities

There are many opportunities for medical radiation technologists in Manitoba to expand their professional skills and explore new opportunities.


Mammography technologists perform mammographic imaging studies to help detect breast tissue abnormalities.

In Manitoba, mammography technologists are required to take Breast Imaging 1 and Breast Imaging 2 through the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists.

If you’re interested in working as a mammographer but haven’t completed the courses, you are still encouraged to apply! There may be opportunities to train while you work.

Licensing and Professional Resources

Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists

The Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT) is the national professional association and certifying body for medical radiation technologists. Anyone who wants to work as a medical radiation technologist in Manitoba – whether internationally educated or a graduate of a Canadian program – must successfully complete the CAMRT certification exam. To be eligible to write the exam, you must have graduated from a Canadian accredited MRT education program, or for internationally educated MRTs, have completed CAMRT’s assessment process to verify your qualifications.

CAMRT also offers Manitoba-specific services through CAMRT-MB, which include provincial advocacy, outreach, local education, and member recognition.


Union representation varies based on site/region. Details are listed in each job posting.