

Midwifery is a publicly funded and regulated health profession. Midwifery was introduced to Manitoba in June 2000 with the proclamation of the Midwifery Act. Since that time, midwives have provided healthcare for thousands of Manitoba women and families and this option continues to be made available to more families each year. Manitoba midwives work in northern and remote communities, southern and rural communities and in urban areas.

In Manitoba, midwives care for woman and newborns in many settings: in communities, homes, clinics, birth centres and hospitals. They attend births in homes, birth centres and in hospitals.

Midwives are primary care providers and work in collaboration with other members of the healthcare team. They can order tests, prescribe medications related to maternal/newborn care, diagnose and treat minor health issues and attend births as the primary attendant. Midwives provide care for both mothers and babies under their care for six weeks following birth. Midwives can also refer you to a family physician. a specialist and to a public health nurse and community resources. You do not need a referral to see a midwife.

For more information on career opportunities in Manitoba please see the Midwives Association of Manitoba Midwife’s postings page.

You can also check out the Manitoba Regional Health Authorities that offer midwifery services:

Northern Regional Health Authority also supports midwifery services in Norway House, Manitoba:

Kinosao Sipi Midwifery Clinic,
Norway House Indian Hospital

Norway House MB R0B 1B0
Phone: 204-359-8202
Fax: 204-359-6197