

Salary Range
$82,000 – $107,000

Recommended High School Courses
Senior 4
Humanities & Social Science are
recommended as are
business administration, management
& entrepreneurship

A veterinarian is a medical profession who protects the health and well-being of animals. They diagnose and control animal diseases and treat sick and injured animals. They also advise owners o proper care of their pets and livestock. Veterinarians provide a wide range of services in private practice, teaching, research, government service, public health, military service, private industry, and other areas.

Training & Education Routes

Links to Sites

University Of Manitoba
Pre-Veterinary Program

Veterinary medicine focuses on the health of all animal species, from food-producing animals and companion animals to wildlife. Veterinarians pursue careers in private practice, specialized disciplines, public service, research, or industry.

Students studying Pre-Veterinary Studies at the University of Manitoba can complete the required courses through the Faculty of Agricultural and food Sciences or the Faculty of Science. After two years of study, students are eligible to apply for admissions to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM), where they can pursue the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program. Students who do not gain admission to the WCVM can complete their chosen degree in Agriculture or Science in the normal amount of time and seek a career in science or animal agriculture.

The Regional Nature Of The Western College Of Veterinary Medicine
The Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) is the premier centre of veterinary education, research and expertise in Western Canada and a key member of Canada’s veterinary, public health and food safety network. More than 450 undergraduate and graduate students are enrolled at the internationally-recognized veterinary college that includes a veterinary medical centre, a provincial diagnostic laboratory and large-scale research facilities.
For general information about the WCVM and its location, visit

Q. Where is the WCVM located?

WCVM is part of the University of Saskatchewan, the only Canadian university campus with a full complement of health sciences, agriculture and engineering colleges. The U of S campus is located along the banks of the South Saskatchewan River in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan — one of Canada’s western provinces. Visit Maps and Directions to download maps showing the WCVM’s location.

Q. What is the interprovincial agreement?

The interprovincial agreement outlines the College’s responsibility for providing undergraduate veterinary education to all four provinces. It also covers WCVM’s commitment to supplying post-graduate training in a variety of clinical specialties, veterinary diagnostics and public health, as well as others areas of veterinary science. The agreement recognizes WCVM’s involvement in providing extension and continuing education for veterinarians, animal health technologists, and the residents of Western Canada. The most recent agreement, which was signed in 2007, allows for increases in student enrolment quotas by any of the four provinces during the five-year period covered by this agreement. Visit Interprovincial Agreement for more information.

Q. How many students attend the WCVM?

Each year, up to 78 students begin the four-year Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program that’s designed to prepare students for careers in private practice, public service, research, academia and industry. Based on an interprovincial agreement with Canada’s four western provinces, WCVM accepts an allotted number of applicants from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The College also considers applicants from the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Visit Undergraduate Program to learn more about the regional nature of the WCVM.

Q. How many students have graduated from the WCVM?

Since WCVM’s first class of veterinary students graduated in 1969, more than 2,500 veterinarians have received their Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degrees from the regional veterinary college. While most WCVM alumni live and work in Western Canada, former students can be found in more than 580 communities around the world.

Q. I’ve read about a major construction project at the WCVM. Is this project completed?

WCVM is in the final stages of its seven-year multi-phase expansion and renovation project that began in 2004. This series of major projects, which will cost approximately $74 million to finish, is scheduled for completion in 2011. A large part of this extensive makeover is a two-storey addition to the veterinary medical centre, a new research wing and an expanded diagnostics area. As well, the project includes major renovations to small animal and large animal surgery suites and patient wards, to the College’s animal care unit, to its lecture theatres and other teaching areas, and to research space.

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