Licensing and Professional Resources

College of Paramedics of Manitoba

The College of Paramedics of Manitoba (CPMB) is the regulatory body for paramedics in Manitoba. Anyone who wants to work as a paramedic (at any practice level) in Manitoba – whether internationally educated or a graduate of a Canadian program – must register with the CPMB.

In order to register, you must write – and pass – the Canadian Organization of Paramedic Regulators (COPR) Entry to Practice Examination.

To be eligible to write this exam, you must be a graduate of an approved educational program or have completed the Assessment of International Applicants process through COPR.

Paramedic Association of Manitoba

The Paramedic Association of Manitoba (PAM) is a voluntary membership professional association for paramedics in Manitoba. PAM offers resources, support, information, and benefits to paramedics.


Paramedics employed by Shared Health are represented by the Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals.

Current Opportunities

Note: Shared Health also contracts a number of municipal fire and paramedic services under service purchase agreements, however only positions within Shared Health are linked at Health Careers Manitoba.

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